Maximum Entertainment’s corporate bodies consist of the Articles of Association, Auditor and Certified Adviser, General Meeting, Nominating Committee, Board of Directors and Executive Management Team. At the annual general meeting, the shareholders elect a board of directors and its chairman. The board of directors appoints the CEO and deputy CEO. The annual general meeting commissions the auditors to examine the accounting records and the management of the board of directors and the CEO during the financial year.

Corporate governance refers to the regulations and structure that have been established to manage and lead the operations of a limited company in an efficient and controlled manner. Ultimately, corporate governance aims to meet the shareholders’ demands for returns and all stakeholders’ needs for information about the limited company and its development. The Company’s corporate governance is based on, among other things, the articles of association, the Swedish Companies Act, the marketplace’s regulations for issuers and internal rules and regulations. The Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (the “Code”) is not mandatory for companies listed on the marketplace and the Company does not intend to fully comply with the Code. However, the Company may choose to act in accordance with the Code in certain parts.